Our next Monthly Group Coaching Call is THURSDAY, 19 March 2009 at 8:00pm UK time
Would you like to find out how to make yourself more attractive to prospective clients, customers, and employers?
Then join us for this call on The Psychology of Colour with image consultant Keely Buston, who will share with you how the right colours, not only can make you feel wonderful but will help you project your personality and personal branding in a more confident way.
Colour is visual and bombards our senses, evokes memories, feelings, impressions, tastes and emotions. Colour influences everything we eat, drink and touch. Colour affects our moods and emotions, it colours our personalities – we speak of having the ‘blues’, a ‘golden’ opportunity or seeing ‘red’.
In this call you will learn the psychology behind colours - why do weightlifters lift heavier weights in blue gyms? - and discover how to strengthen your image by the colours you wear.
Keely Buston is Director of New Perspectives image consultancy. She teaches individuals the secrets to looking fabulous – whether you want to lose 10lbs without dieting, or want to know how to dress to impress. Keely can help you work wonders with your wardrobe!
This call is FREE for all Mastermind members. Not a member? Join now to access this call with our special FREE 2-month "Membership" trial.