Thursday, 7 August 2008

Doing Work you Love!

Recent research showed that of 2000 people interviewed, aged between 30-50 years, more than a quarter were considering a career change. Wall Street Journal/ABC News Poll indicated that half of all Americans would choose a new line of work if they had a chance. What's going on?

We spend 50-70% of our waking hours at work so it makes sense to do something that you enjoy and find fulfilling. Most of us have a natural desire to make a contribution and to find meaningful and purposeful work. It seems a shame to let your natural gifts, talent and passions go to waste.

Why bother?
You may have noticed that any unhappiness or frustration experienced at work can spill into other areas of our lives and can sometimes put a significant strain on relationships and health. Life becomes much more fulfilling and personally rewarding when you are engaged in work which is a natural expression of who you are.

What gets in the way?
Knowing this doesn't on the face of it make it easy to change direction. So if you are part of the 50% who want to follow a cherished dream, what is holding you back? It could be fear of making a mistake, risking perceived financial security, concerns about the reactions of others or it may be that you are wallowing in a fur lined rut and laziness has taken over.

What steps can you take?
  • Get to know who you are. Understand your skills, strengths, talents and preferences and focus more on what you do well
  • Align your work with your values. Once you know and understand which values are most important, you can make choices and decisions which enable you to express your true self.
  • Develop a vision of your ideal working life and get creative about achieving it

  • Identify role models and find out how they achieved their dreams

  • Get your finances in order to support any new training programmes, downshifting, business start-up.

  • Most importantly take one small step, make a phone call, send an email, read an inspiring biography!