Monday 10 November 2008

Making a Decision about Your Career

Everyone faces having to make a career decision at some point – whether to stay or go, take a promotion, move overseas, start a business, take a career break, retrain. As we get older and have more commitments in terms of partners, children, schools and homes, then making the next career move can start to seem both daunting and complicated. It may take more time but it is worth:

1. Identifying all the choices and options that you have in the situation

2. Gathering information on each option by talking to the appropriate people, asking advice and conducting background research.

3. Writing down the pros and cons for each decision and prioritising what is most and least important to you

4. Brainstorming all possible alternatives. Look for ways to make the situation work for you. How can you maximize the pros and minimize the cons

5. Noting any fears that are of concern and putting these into context. Consider what you need to do or actions to take in order to address your concerns

6. Putting a deadline on making a decision to avoid over thinking and analyzing. There may not be a perfect decision as there likely to be an element of uncertainty about the future.