Wednesday 27 August 2008

Plan for a Perfect Day in the Office

For those of us who have to attend meetings and keep the paperwork churning, plan for a perfect day in the office where-ever you are. When you take charge of your environment, you will expand the time available during the day and create more enjoyment.

1. Check your Bio-rhythms. Find out when you are most productive and have the most energy. 10 am or 2 pm? Do your most demanding and creative work at these times and build this into your schedule in advance.

2. Plan ahead. Select the most difficult task, the one that you keep putting off, and get this done first. You can then relax and enjoy the rest of the day.

3. Create a reserve of time. Build an extra 30 minutes into your routine for speculation, creativity and those unforeseen problems and deadlines.

4. Invest in your health. Make sure you allow enough time for lunch. Eat a healthy salad, drink lots of water and eat fruit. You will have bags more energy in the afternoon which will see you through to the evening. Take a walk, sit in the sun or go for a swim for an additional boost.

5. Incentivise yourself. Rather than relying on others to acknowledge and reward you for all this hard work create your own incentive package - a special coffee, a short walk, conversation with a colleague at work.

6. Make a difference. Thank creatively about what you do - could you change the way you do your job?

7. Leave work on time! Clear your desk, update your plan for the next day, go home on time, enjoy the evening and have some fun!